Thursday 6 January 2011

It Begins...

Readers of this blog will be aware that as of April 2011 many herbs, herbal products and supplements will become illegal under a nasty piece of legislation from Europe called THMPD - the Traditional Herbal Medicine Product Directive.

That means you, as a consumer, will have your choice curtailed by people who have never considered your opinion about your own health. Under the guise of 'public safety' all herbal products that have not been licensed under THMPD will effectively be banned, and because the licensing process is prohibitively expensive only larger corporations can utilise it for their products while traditional cottage industry will go into decline, the jobs that go with it and cultural heritage itself.

Many very useful plants could potentially be forced out of use. Take a look at this article about peppermint as just one example.

To what end practitioners such as myself will be restricted remains to be seen but one gets the feeling that there is 'more to come'.

You have a voice - if you think as I do that this is a disgrace please consider writing to your legal representative about the matter, signing the petition below or by other means.

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